
Say Hello to Edward
PLC has composed a charity song, “Never Say Goodbye”, for Action Duchenne.

Paul has composed a song for a little 5 year old boy, Edward Ackroyd. Edward has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy which is a muscle wasting disease that will kill him in his teenage years.

The song composed for the “Say Hello to Edward” appeal was released into the UK charts on Monday December the 8th. The only way you can buy the song is to download it from Edward's website Have a look at the website to get Edward's full story and to download the song which is only 99 pence. You can also say hello to Edward by leaving him a message.

The funds raised from the song will go directly to the charity to help Edward and other little boys and girls like him.

Please tell all your friends about this and help make more people aware of this terrible disease.
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